Hello there! We (Waylen and Crystal) are so glad you are here! At Becker Farms we believe that YOU deserve to have wholesome, nutritious meat available to you and your loved ones. We raise our animals so you can have confidence that what you are eating is sustaining, nourishing, and healing your body. Our story? We began our journey here awhile ago

        Crystals Health Journey

    . It all started when I (Crystal) noticed my blood glucose levels were higher than normal and so for some time I tried being careful to eat less sugar and carbs. I would think I was doing quite well and then test my blood sugar only to find it was still bad. STRICTER. I’ve got to be stricter, I thought. It didn’t seem to make much difference overall. And all this time I had this TERRIFYING fear deep inside, because I knew. I knew what it was like and where it would take me, because my grandma and my mom both had diabetes. So I had the genes, right? This fear would DRIVE me to be harder on myself. Eat what I THOUGHT was healthy for me. So here I was plunging down a road of lifelong health problems!! Bad ones! I’ll never forget the PIT in my stomach when the doctor told me I needed to go on medication shortly and eventually I would be ,yes, INSULIN DEPENDENT. That’s when we decided to see a doctor who practiced functional medicine. And that’s when we started making small steps toward a healthier lifestyle. We have come to realize that our food is our most effective medicine! And now I don’t even test my blood sugar anymore. That’s right, I don’t even worry about it!! And also we have 2 adorable kiddos, which we also feared might never happen…

       Do you have a chronic health problem that keeps you from being your best? Do your meals leave you feeling lousy or awful instead of satisfied with energy to conquer your tasks? Or do you know what foods you need to make you feel your best but the lack of good clean meat available leaves you with no better option? You need look no further as that is our mission. To provide you with meat that you can trust and make it easily accessible, delivered right to your doorstep. We not only believe “You are what you eat” but deeper than that, “You are what you eat, eats”. Actually going DEEPER (pardon the pun) your gut health begins in the soil. Healthy soil = healthy plants=healthy animals=healthy YOU. That being said, we raise our beef and lamb on pastures of diverse grasses and legumes, giving them all the nutrition they need and more. And, as you probably know, having multiple species of plants growing gives back to the soil what it needs. Also, we do not use antibiotics, pesticides, herbicides, GMO’s,or growth hormones. All the harmful things that would end up inside YOUR gut!!

       Do you eat lamb? And do you know it is one of the cleanest animal proteins out there? And also do you know how absolutely delectable it is? If you have had a bad first impression with lamb, you HAVE to give it another chance!!! It is seriously the favorite meat at our house. And we also had musty, tough lamb at that “Greek” joint way back when. Now, if you only knew the incredible health benefits of it… Grass fed/finished lamb contains one of the highest levels of conjugated linoleic acids (CLA) and omega-3 fatty acids, both of which are heart healthy fatty acids, with anti-cancer, anti-diabetes, and anti-fat properties. Also a great source of B-12, antioxidants, iron, and zinc. Our Dorper sheep live a pretty good life, rotationally grazing on clean pastures of diverse forage grasses and legumes.

    As for our beef herd, we’ll have to admit we do take pride in it. We run our Angus cows with Aukaushi bulls. We have found the calves sired from these bulls marble out amazingly for that perrrrfect steak or tender roast. The fat in this breed contains a higher level of monounsaturated fats than other breeds, making it better for your heart and cholesterol levels, and also lowering blood pressure and reducing inflammation. Not to mention that superior buttery flavor on your tastebuds.

       We know what it’s like to go to the store to purchase meat and just not feel certain that this animal was raised in a way that will bring the best nutrition to the one who enjoys it. And if you are dealing with ANY health condition, then your life depends on it. That is why we started raising beef and lamb on regeneratively farmed pastures, and now we are inviting you to enjoy the benefits of eating this meat, full of good proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals.

    Happy eating, love Waylen, Crystal, Haddie, and Walker.

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